New Rules of Product Seeding Strategy to Get UGC & Sales

Strategic outreach & clear expectations: key to influencer seeding.

Priya Nain

Priya Nain

November 5, 2023

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New Rules of Product Seeding Strategy to Get UGC & Sales

Hope isn't the best strategy. Especially when your brand's revenue depends on it.

And yet, DTC brands simply send free products to influencers and 'hope' that they will get a shoutout, influencer-generated-content and sales.

Big brands might get away with this because they have loads to spare. But for emerging DTC brands, every product counts.

Today, influencers know when there are strings attached, even if you don't say it. So, if you're expecting a post or video from them, be upfront about it. The old "send products and hope for the best" tactic is outdated. It's time to be transparent and strategic.

In this blog, we'll take a basic product seeding strategy and show you how to tweak it to build this expectation upfront, & ensure maximum influencers post about your product.

🤳 Step 1: Find the right influencers

It's tempting to jump onboard with familiar faces from our Instagram scrolls or the ones that are popular. But that's not going to get you results.

First, define what 'right' means for your brand if you want to do product seeding.

The right influencer for you is someone who:

  • Posts about your core hashtags: For example, if you sell breakfast cereals that are better than sugary alternatives in the market, then core hashtags is — #heatlhybreakfastcereal. This ensures that they have the right target audience for your brand.
  • Has less than 25K followers. Influencers with followers more than 25K often work on upfront payments. They prioritize paid collaborations and strategically choose which products to showcase. A freebie might not make the cut.

Among the roughly 1,000 to 1,500 influencers actively using your core hashtags and fitting your criteria. If you approach them all, you can anticipate around 20% —that's a solid 200 — influencers to post about your product and about 70% of those to become your long-term brand ambassadors.

Even if it takes 3 months to get there, it's worth it because it will give you plenty of user-generated-content, & add to your cash flow without having to invest in paid ads.

To find the right influencer for product seeding, you can use one of the 6 ways (ranked from free to paid) —

📋 1— Look in your customer list (free)

#️⃣ 2— Hashtag Research (free)

🍋  3— Create & promote a brand ambassador program (almost free)

👨‍💻 4— Hire someone to find creators for you (low cost)

💜 5— Use tools like SARAL (moderate cost, saves time)

🛒 6— Influencer marketplaces (expensive, limited pool)

Out of these, one of the most efficient methods is to use a tool like SARAL where you can find any influencer on the planet in a few clicks.

If you want to maximize sales, and not just UGC. Filter for creators with an engagement rate higher than 3%. This will make sure you get the best influencers with the highest quality.

Want to try this? Create a free account and start finding influencers.

💌 Step 2: Send them an outreach email after removing this one part

Traditional influencer seeding outreach often screams “Hey, no commitment needed!”.

But let's be real, this can sound insincere. When you want a fruitful, lasting relationship, your first message shouldn’t be a casual, non-committal one.

Here's a revamped email template that shows you're looking for long-term partnership. Observe how it still doesn't say 'Hey, we're sending this product for free and please post about us.' It's all about the long-term —

Hello {{first_name}},

I've consistently been impressed with your work on {{platform}}, especially your insights on {{theme}}.

Over at {{brand}}, we’re all about {{one-line description}}. We believe you'd truly appreciate our product because of {{benefits}}. Currently, we're scouting for 25 creators who resonate with our {{mission}}. We'd be thrilled to have you onboard as a long-term partner with us.

Confident you'll love our product, I’ve set aside a special package. Can I get your shipping address?


{{Your name}}

This outreach message works because:

  • By being upfront, you’re setting clear expectations. Influencers appreciate brands that value their time and craft. No one likes last-minute surprises or feeling they were lured under false pretenses.
  • It clearly communicates your desire for a meaningful, extended collaboration. It sets the tone that you see them as partners, not just influencers for a one-off post.

When you sign up for SARAL, you can find more such templates pre-loaded in your account. Use the template to create an email drip, customize your message and start your seeding campaign in less than 10 minutes.

The number of responses you get from influencers might be less but that's a good thing.Your emphasis on a long-term alliance ensures you attract influencers who resonate with your brand’s values. Those only in for transient gains get filtered out.

💬 Step 3: Handling influencer responses

🚫 If they're not keen at the moment

It's completely okay for an influencer to decline your offer. But instead of ignoring them and moving on, communicate with them and make a positive gesture —

📩 Template for the hesitant influencer:

Hey {{first_name}},

Totally understand. How about I send over the package anyway?. It's just our way of showing appreciation for the cool stuff you put out there.

What do you say? Can I have your address?

Your Name

Many brands either get upset or go silent when faced with rejection. Instead, let's play the long game. By offering your product with no obligations even after they say no, you leave a positive impression. It builds genuine, long-term connections, not just short-term collaborations.

🎉 If they're on board

If they reply back not rejecting your brand, they're as excited as you are. But there are two ways this enthusiasm might manifest:

1— Immediate address sharing: They trust you enough to share their address right away. Great sign!

📩 Template for address confirmation:

Hi {{first_name}},

Super excited! I've dispatched your package, and you should have it by {{day}} next week. Looking forward to working together!

PS: Do check out the special note inside!


{{Your Name}}

If you want an efficient way to manage these shipments, check out SARAL. It integrates with your online store, letting you dispatch items quickly and monitor order statuses. This way, you can timely follow up, gather their thoughts, and maybe nudge them for that awaited post.

2— Seeking more details: If they want more insights about your collaboration, ensure you give them a comprehensive picture.

📩 Template for more information:

Hey {{first_name}},

Our customers adore our product because {{insert benefits}}. Collaborating with us brings perks like ongoing product samples, exclusive discounts, workshops, and handsome commissions. We’ve got some amazing creators onboard – think you’d be a fantastic addition!

If you need a clearer picture of our influencer program, checkout this link {{insert link}}


{{Your Name}}

If you’re confused as to what the influencer program should be, you need to create an influencer offer.

As an emerging DTC brand owner, your aim is to nurture these relationships, not just chase a quick win. Whether they say 'yes' or 'no', every response is a step closer to building a community of influencers around your brand.

If they want more insights about your collaboration, ensure you give them a comprehensive picture.

💜 What's the next step?

You've now read the step-by-step playbook. It's time to start executing now.

But don't let manual processes slow you down. It can take hours if you try to do everything manually, or use spreadsheets to manage your whole process.

Instead, try SARAL to find influencers, streamline your outreach with preloaded templates & even track the impact of influencer marketing on your business.

With a tool like this, you're saving time and ensuring precision. Claim your free trial here.

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win creators and influence people

Step-by-step playbook on findinf untapped influencers, scaling outreach, and relationship building lessons

How to Get Authentic UGC For Your Brand With Influencers

Strategic outreach & clear expectations: key to influencer seeding.

Ready to build a full-stack influencer program?

If you want to build a community of influencers that can’t stop talking about you, consider giving the free trial a shot!