Ready to build a full-stack influencer program?
If you want to build a community of influencers that can’t stop talking about you, consider giving the free trial a shot!
The average ROAS on SARAL is 5.12x. The median ROAS is 7.68x.
If you’re setting up an influencer program for the first time…
/ year
100 Active Partnerships
300 New Influencers Monthly
Post Tracking upto 10 influencers
1 Seat
If you’re ready to take your partnerships to the next level…
/ year
500 Active Partnerships
800 New Saved Influencers Monthly
Unlimited Influencer Post Tracking
3 Seats
If you want to streamline your at-scale program…
/ year
1000 Active Partnerships
2000 New Saved Influencers Monthly
Unlimited Social Listening
10 Seats
We will place a vetted SARAL influencer expert in your business to run this for you.
Save $100's today and $1000's as you grow.
Limit your program’s growth by restricting your influencer’s managed
Manage unlimited influencers even on our lowest plan!
Force you to hop on 3 sales calls before they reveal pricing
Clear and simple pricing
Hidden fees and upsells
No hidden fees. No limits on users or emails or tracking.
Make you pay $25,000+ upfront without even testing the tool
Test it with a free trial. Pay if you like it!
Tie you into an annual contract you can’t exit even if you hate them
No contracts. Cancel anytime.
So complicated, it takes months to train your team
Easy to use UX. Team learns in days.
Get ignored by support
World-class support and success team
Monthly Cost at $40/hr
Search Tool
$399 - $999
Outreach Tool
Affiliate Tool
$199 - $499
Social Listening Tool
Incremental management cost
Total Cost
$1500 - $2000 per month + a headache every week!
~200% savings
Time per week
Monthly Cost at $40/hr
Finding Influencers
3 hours
Emailing and Dming
3 hours
Updating spreadsheets
2 hours
Managing conversations, shipping
3 hours
Handling Inbound Applications
1 hour
Following up for posts
1 hour
Tracking Content
1 hour
Total Cost
$2000 - $2500/mo
~300% savings
We have not raised a single penny in venture capital. Our customers are our investors. We answer to no one but you. SARAL keeps improving each month with direct user feedback.
Our competitors raise $10s of millions of dollars, pander to investors, and burn money to grow. We simply focus on helping you make profit.
See why these operators prefer SARAL
Karim Boucenna
Patricia Redulla
Finnegan Shepard
Parker Thomas
Stephanie Joney
Ketan Vakil
Zach Grove
Sophia O'Neal
Chris Manus
James Lee
Noël Ostrosky
Sara Tellez
Siva Dhamotharan
Gil Halaf
Sean Greenspan
Danika Dim
Robert Jan
Daniel Cruz
Kelli Klus
Ambuj Vats
James Lee
Daniel Cruz
Danika Dim
Ketan Vakil
Ambuj Vats
Sophia O'Neal
Noël Ostrosky
Gil Halaf
Zach Grove
Kelli Klus
Parker Thomas
Chris Manus
Siva Dhamotharan
Robert Jan
Karim Boucenna
Patricia Redulla
Stephanie Joney
Sara Tellez
Sean Greenspan
Finnegan Shepard
Kelli Klus
James Lee
Robert Jan
Ketan Vakil
Gil Halaf
Sean Greenspan
Parker Thomas
Karim Boucenna
Noël Ostrosky
Danika Dim
Sophia O'Neal
Sara Tellez
Siva Dhamotharan
Stephanie Joney
Zach Grove
Patricia Redulla
Finnegan Shepard
Chris Manus
Ambuj Vats
Daniel Cruz
Kelli Klus
James Lee
Robert Jan
Ketan Vakil
Gil Halaf
Sean Greenspan
Parker Thomas
Karim Boucenna
Noël Ostrosky
Danika Dim
Sophia O'Neal
Sara Tellez
Siva Dhamotharan
Stephanie Joney
Zach Grove
Patricia Redulla
Finnegan Shepard
Chris Manus
Ambuj Vats
Daniel Cruz
Karim Boucenna
Finnegan Shepard
Sophia O'Neal
Noël Ostrosky
Daniel Cruz
Gil Halaf
Patricia Redulla
James Lee
Kelli Klus
Parker Thomas
Siva Dhamotharan
Ketan Vakil
Sara Tellez
Zach Grove
Sean Greenspan
Chris Manus
Stephanie Joney
Danika Dim
Robert Jan
Ambuj Vats
Ambuj Vats
Finnegan Shepard
Daniel Cruz
Chris Manus
Siva Dhamotharan
Stephanie Joney
Zach Grove
Patricia Redulla
Danika Dim
Noël Ostrosky
Sara Tellez
Sophia O'Neal
Sean Greenspan
Karim Boucenna
Gil Halaf
Parker Thomas
Robert Jan
Ketan Vakil
James Lee
Kelli Klus
Got questions? We have answers
You need to budget no more than 3-4 hours per week to setup and scale an influencer program with SARAL.
Some of our larger brands spend more time than this, but they’re doing advanced things that you don’t need when you’re just starting out.
There are no hidden fees. SARAL doesn’t charge more for number of influencers managed. You can connect unlimited email accounts and send as much outreach as you want.
There is only one vector of pricing: The number of influencers you want to search and save each month. The more you need, the higher your monthly investment into SARAL.
There are experts that use SARAL and love it. But the beauty is that it’s so simple, even new marketers have started using it and gotten phenomenal results. SARAL is simple to use and intuitive.
We once had a CFO of a brand set it up, so even non-marketers get it!
Almost all queries get responded to within an hour. Our support team is hyperactive and always there to ensure you’re not blocked.
Our customer success function will proactively reach out, hop on calls with you, and ensure you get results from using the platform!
Here’s one of our customers, Michelle, answering this question.
Training your team doesn’t take weeks. There are onboarding videos built-in to the platform. We also offer a free strategy session for one-on-one guidance.
You will be up and running in just a few days!
Yes, book a time here.
No, a lot of other platforms restrict your growth like this. We do not. You don’t have to pay more even if you have 1000’s of influencers under management!
If you want to build a community of influencers that can’t stop talking about you, consider giving the free trial a shot!