We Analyzed 5 Influencer Brand Posts. Here’s What We Learned

We've sifted through hundreds of posts to bring you key influencer marketing insights that would otherwise take you hours to find.

Priya Nain

Priya Nain

July 17, 2024

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As a direct-to-consumer (DTC) brand founder or marketer, you're probably juggling a million tasks. You don't have time to scroll through social media to analyze different influencer posts and learn from them for your brand.

We've done the hard work for you. We sifted through hundreds of posts and found the 5 best posts from influencers promoting different brands. Each example comes with actionable insights you can apply to your brand strategy.

These examples show you how to collaborate with influencers in ways that go beyond just handing them a product and asking them to sell it.

From tackling product misconceptions to creating eye-catching content, these examples will help you craft better briefs and guidelines for your influencer collaborations, ensuring your brand stands out.

🥼 Liquid Death post by a doctor influencer

This post is a good example of how Liquid Death leverages an influencer partnership to build trust and clarify its brand.

Liquid Death's influencer post

Because of its packaging and branding, Liquid Death is often mistaken for an unhealthy drink, like beer or sugary water. They partnered with a doctor to set the record straight to counter this misconception.By having a medical professional clearly state that Liquid Death is "actually the healthiest beverage," the brand effectively challenges the misinterpretation head-on. The doctor's endorsement carries weight and makes people reconsider their initial assumptions.The doctor wearing his MD tag adds more credibility to his statement. It confirms his authority as a medical expert, making his endorsement of Liquid Death as a healthy choice more powerful and convincing.

👉 Influencer marketing tip for you:

If there are any misconceptions or misinterpretations about your product or brand, consider partnering with an influencer with relevant expertise and authority to address those misconceptions. By doing so, you can change people's perceptions, build credibility, and ultimately drive more sales.

SARAL can help you identify these key influencers and manage your collaborations efficiently.

Enter the type of influencer you're looking for, such as "skin expert" or "dietician" and SARAL will give you a curated list of influencers who match your criteria, all saved in one easy-to-manage list – no more juggling multiple spreadsheets.

You can also try SARAL's free Chrome extension to vet the influencers — whether they have enough engagement and 'die-hard fans' who listen to them. It allows you to see influencer's stats and even predict a fair fee.

💄 Charlotte Tilbury's giveaway package

The post is a giveaway by Charlotte Tilbury in collaboration with a young, affluent lifestyle influencer. The influencers's audience perfectly aligns with the brands' target audience since Charlotte Tilbury is a luxury high-end brand.

Chloe's post about Charlotte Tillbury's giveaway

The bright red packaging is a smart choice. It's eye-catching, on-brand, and makes for great visual content. When an influencer has an interesting product to showcase, it makes their job of creating content and engaging the audience much easier. This also helps brands to stand out without getting lost in the sea of content on social media platforms.

The primary goal of this post is not to directly boost sales but rather to increase brand awareness and engagement. Giveaways are a great way to do that. People love free stuff, so a well-run giveaway can attract a lot of attention and engagement.

👉 Two key takeaways for DTC brands:

  • When working with influencers, brands should create packaging that stands out. If the packaging is eye-catching or personalized for the influencer, they are more likely to post about it on their own. This can lead to extra exposure for the brand without having to pay for a sponsored post. It also grabs people's attention when they see it in a post.
  • Engagement-driven campaigns, such as giveaways, can help increase brand awareness ultimately contributing to sales in the future.

☕ Javy Coffee concentrate post

In this TikTok video, an influencer shows Javy Coffee's coffee syrup concentrates, demonstrating how to perfectly measure and use them to elevate your daily brew.

Javy Coffee influencer post

This video shows several different Javy Coffee syrup flavors in the background which highlights the range of options available. The setup is well-lit with natural light and has an inviting, warm tone. The arrangement of the bottles and flowers in the background adds visual interest.

But here's what makes this post effective —

When Javy Coffee concentrate was launched, many people were initially using too much of the concentrate, resulting in a bitter taste. This is because they were accustomed to Javy's bottled coffee, which was meant to be consumed directly. The concentrate, however, is a different product that requires a specific measurement for optimal flavor.

By having influencers demonstrate the proper use of the concentrate — measuring it out with a teaspoon — Javy Coffee can effectively educate consumers and encourage the correct use of the product. This approach also promotes the product.

Here's another influencer post showing how to use the coffee concentrate.

👉 Tip for DTC brands:

When launching a new or unconventional product that might be confusing for people to use, your influencer brief should prioritize showcasing how to use the product correctly, rather than solely focusing on driving sales.

When customers know how to use your product correctly, they're more likely to enjoy the intended benefits and come back for another purchase.

You can also use the influencer-generated content in your emails, or on your product page as well to improve the customer experience.

SARAL can assist in collecting the content, requesting usage rights, and downloading content automatically, making the operations easier for you.

🥤 Promo post for Olipop

Olipop has become a social media sensation, thanks in large part to its effective influencer marketing strategy. This particular post is a prime example of an impactful influencer marketing effort that showcases several best practices:

By showing the Olipop can in the sand and mentioning it as a beach drink in the caption, this post positions Olipop within the specific lifestyle context of going to the beach. It makes one think, "Hey, I should bring one of those Olipop sodas next time I hit the beach!" Instead of being a generic "healthy soda," Olipop now feels like the ideal refreshing drink to sip on at the beach.

The warm, natural lighting from the sun gives the image a bright, summery feel that aligns well with the beach vibe. The intentional composition and lack of visual clutter allow the bright, eye-catching orange color of the Olipop cans to really pop out and grab the viewer's attention immediately.

Specific details about the product's benefits, such as being a better-for-you soda alternative with fewer calories and added fiber, are highlighted. This information helps people differentiate it from other brands and convinces them to purchase.

There's a call-to-action at the end, encouraging followers to buy the product. The discount code adds incentive, while the time-limited mention of the code creates a sense of urgency.

👉 Lessons for brands:

  • Partner with influencers who can authentically endorse your products, share their personal experiences and show your showcase your products in aspirational, lifestyle-type settings.
  • Give influencers the freedom to present your products in their own authentic way, but provide them with key messaging points that you want to consistently reinforce across all influencer collaborations and social media platforms.
  • Offer unique discount codes for the influencers' audiences. This incentivizes their followers to make a purchase. It also allows brands to accurately track the number of sales or conversions generated from each influencer's promotion.

You can easily create and manage dynamic discount codes for influencers with tools like SARAL. These codes expire quickly, can only be used once, and offer optional email capture for added marketing value. Try out SARAL, including the dynamic discount codes feature, with our 7-day free trial and see how it can enhance your influencer marketing strategy.

👂 Loop earplugs post for a niche community

This post by Loop earplug's influencer has clear product visuals and messaging tailored to connect with the neurodivergent community. The caption uses hashtags like #neurodivergent #neurospicy #autism #ocd #adhd so that this post can be discovered by neurodivergent folks.

Loop earplugs influencer post

The influencer's overall aesthetic and personal style uses a lot of shaded of purple colors, which aligns perfectly with the purple color of the Loopearplugs product featured in the post. This attention to detail shows that Loopearplugs thoughtfully considered the influencer's personal brand and preferences before sending the product to them.

This influencer post works so well because it's not just about the aesthetics but also about Loopearplugs finding the perfect fit influencer for their brand. @v4mpire.doll is openly neurodivergent herself, so she genuinely gets what the noise-canceling earplugs are all about. She can speak to that community in an authentic way.

The CTA — 'check out the link in my bio for a discount' — is very clear. It directly tells the audience what action to take and provides an incentive to purchase.

Having the CTA live on the influencer's bio page is smart because it makes the offer discoverable to anyone who visits their profile, not just those who saw this specific post.

👉 Takeaways for you:

  • Partner with influencers who genuinely represent and can connect with your target community.
  • Before sending products, do basic research on the influencer's personal brand, aesthetic, and interests. Try to provide product options or variants that naturally complement their style.
  • Request influencers to add your website link to their bio for a while. This promotes your brand to anyone visiting their page, not just folks who saw the sponsored post.

✨ Want to scale your influencer marketing efforts?

Managing and analyzing influencer marketing campaigns can be a complex task, especially if you're using spreadsheets, notes, and documents. While you can manage a handful of influencers manually, scaling your efforts requires the right tools.

That's where tools like SARAL come in. SARAL is an all-in-one influencer marketing tool built specifically for DTC brands. With SARAL, you can streamline influencer seeding, track affiliate links and commissions, collect UGC, request rights, and analyze campaign performance, all without the hassle of manual work or juggling multiple tools.

Curious to see how SARAL can transform your influencer marketing journey? Test the waters with a free trial. Explore its features, experience the support, and even kick off a campaign. If it doesn't elevate your marketing game, you can cancel anytime. But who knows? It might just be the game-changer you've been searching for.

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We've sifted through hundreds of posts to bring you key influencer marketing insights that would otherwise take you hours to find.

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